How much money can you make from Trees?

Money does grow on trees!

We researched how much money you can make per tree per year. We do have to make a side note; there are a lot of variables that play a role in your earnings. Climate has a lot of impact on harvest size, the local price for your harvest, and demand. However, this list should give you a good idea of what you could expect.

Tree SpeciesHarvest (Volume per Tree)Retail Value per Harvest
Baobab50-100 kg fruit, 5-10 L oil$500-$1000 (fruit), $200-$400 (oil)
Jackfruit100-200 kg fruit$500-$1000
Durian100-150 kg fruit$1000-$2000
Andiroba4-5 L oil$100-$150
Brazil Nut30-50 kg nuts$300-$500
Mango100-300 kg fruit$500-$1500
Walnut30-60 kg nuts$300-$600
Argan3-5 L oil$300-$500
Olive20-40 kg olives, 3-8 L oil$100-$200 (olives), $120-$320 (oil)
Avocado100-300 kg fruit$800-$2400
Almond30-80 kg nuts$300-$800
Cashew20-40 kg nuts$200-$400
Coconut50-150 coconuts$200-$600
Fig20-50 kg fruit$200-$500
Hazelnut20-40 kg nuts$200-$400
Macadamia20-40 kg nuts$400-$800
Papaya100-200 kg fruit$400-$800
Pistachio20-40 kg nuts$400-$800
Pecan30-60 kg nuts$300-$600
Pine (Pinus spp.)5-10 kg pine nuts$100-$200
Rubber100-200 L latex$200-$400
Sapodilla60-120 kg fruit$300-$600
Tamarind50-100 kg fruit$250-$500
Apple150-400 kg fruit$300-$1000
Prune (Plum)50-100 kg fruit$200-$400
Moringa2-4 kg leaves, 5-10 L oil$40-$80 (leaves), $100-$200 (oil)
Eucalyptus10-20 L oil, 2-4 kg leaves$200-$400 (oil), $40-$80 (leaves)
Cinnamon2-4 kg bark$50-$100
Cork Oak50-200 kg cork$200-$800
Lemon100-200 kg fruit$200-$400
Orange200-500 kg fruit$400-$1000
Peach50-150 kg fruit$200-$600
Cherry50-100 kg fruit$400-$800
Apricot50-100 kg fruit$200-$400
Lychee50-150 kg fruit$250-$750
Coffee5-10 kg green beans$50-$100
Cocoa (Cacao)20-50 kg beans$100-$250
Tea1-3 kg leaves$30-$90
Date Palm50-150 kg dates$200-$600
Pomegranates200-400 pomegrantes $200-1200

Frederik Lamote

Frederik is the founder of, a startup that is 3D printing Treehouses. While exploring treehouse locations around the world he got fascinated by the value and products trees produce.

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